Module | Usage | Linking UR | Notes |
A | International | XLX886AL | Interlink with XLXs |
B | Regional | XLX886BL | Regional APAC |
C | Taiwan | XLX886CL | Local DSTAR/DMR/C4FM for Taiwan |
D | DMRTest | XLX886DL | Test Module for DMR Repeaters |
E | InterlinkTest | XLX886EL | Test Module for Interlink with XLX887 |
F | Reserved | XLX886FL | Reserved |
G | Reserved | XLX886GL | Reserved |
H | Reserved | XLX886HL | Reserved |
Please contact: BU2EA (BX2AFC) for XLX peering
Note: Currently only Module A is used for International interlinks. Other Modules can be done on request.
Edit xlxd.interlink, add the following line:
# xlxd.interlink XLX886 A
Edit DExtra_Hosts.txt (usually located in /usr/local/etc), add the following line.
# DExtra_Hosts.txt XRF886 L
Make a copy of /usr/local/etc/DMR_Hosts.txt to /root/DMR_Hosts.txt, add the following line.
############################################################################################## # Name DMR-ID IP/Hostname Password Port # ############################################################################################## XLX_950 0000 passw0rd 62030 XLX_886 0000 passw0rd 62030
Edit /etc/dmrgateway, add the following line in the [XLX Network 1] section.
Set Id=4661xxxx with your DMR ID
Startup = 4003 means connecting to Module C (and 4004 for Module D and so on)
[XLX Network 1] Enabled=1 Port=62030 Slot=2 TG=6 Base=64000 Startup=4003 Relink=60 Id=YOUR_DMR_ID Password=passw0rd Debug=0
The format of configuration file /etc/dmrgateway for XLX server section has been changed.
Section [XLX Network 1] now become [XLX Network]
The following is the example for connecting to XLX886
[XLX Network] Enabled=1 File=/usr/local/etc/XLXHosts.txt Port=62030 Password=passw0rd ReloadTime=60 Slot=2 TG=6 Base=64000 Startup=886 Relink=60 Debug=0 Id=YOUR_DMR_ID
The default XLX Module for DMR connection is now predefined in /usr/local/etc/XLXHosts.txt
If you are running Pi-Star and would like to modify the default connection module,
you will need to create a customized entry in /root/XLXHosts.txt as following
Where 4003 represents Module C. If Module D is desired, change it to 4004
You will need to execute update function in Pi-Star to take effect